Thursday, 6 September 2012

Hymn of the day

I went for a lit­tle vi­sit of five days (to Are­ley House). There were ten per­sons in the house, some un­con­vert­ed and long prayed for, some con­vert­ed, but not re­joic­ing Christ­ians. He gave me the pra­yer, “Lord, give me all in this house!” And He justdid. Be­fore I left the house ev­ery one had got a bless­ing. The last night of my vis­it af­ter I had re­tired, the gov­ern­ess asked me to go to the two daugh­ters. They were cry­ing, &c.; then and there both of them trust­ed and re­joiced; it was near­ly mid­night. I was too hap­py to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and re­new­al of my own con­se­cra­tion; and these lit­tle coup­lets formed them­selves, and chimed in my heart one af­ter ano­ther till they fin­ished with “Ever, On­ly, ALL for Thee!”
Havergal Manuscripts

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King.
Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.
Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.
Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.
Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Then I ran from you now I run to you

When I pictured you

I pictured knotted strings

And caved in hills that formed dark cages in the middle of nowhere

I saw in you blacked out chimneys with no room for air

Fenced surroundings isolated from intimacy, fun or laughter

I saw dry lands and un-watered gardens, dying, panting for life

In picturing you I pictured deep dark hidden secret places

Types of places brave adventurers would explore but even the most bold doubted before

I pictured shadows of what was and saw what is overshadowed by the pains and secrecy of yesterday

Now I see open buds in your eyes

I see deserts damped by rain from the skies

I see fields ready for harvest

Eagles about to leave their nest ready to take flight for the very first time

I see horizons of golden landscape

Landmarks of hope and restoration

I see secret places longing to be discovered because the beauty they posses are yet to be explored

I hear rivers of joy in every speech and word that flows from your tongue

All this I now see because I am finally free from the darkness that bounded me and I am free to see past the mess and see the beauty that's been inside you all along


Giving up your right to be angry or be the victim all in the sake of love...what a challenge

Monday, 13 August 2012

support moi check my flow on check my flow loool

So my most vulnerable piece is being featured on this site:
Do check it out and support me my people.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Is 'nothing'

So here's what I want to write about tonight. You know when tears are falling down your eyes, or when you're feeling upset and someone comes up to you and asks you "what's wrong" and you reply "is nothing", yea that's what I want to write about tonight. Why do we do that? Why is it that we find it so hard to be honest with people? Is it that we don't want people to know the thoughts that truly make us vulnerable or are we just people that don’t like to make a fuss? Ok, let’s make this a bit more personal, if this is something that you do, why do you do it? Is it a case of trust? Or do you feel like your problems will only burden people; hey don’t say that’s crazy, some people think that way. Some people feel like their problems are burdens to others so they rather keep things to themselves than share it, and for these people, when something is wrong with them, no matter how obvious it is, they will always tell you, ‘is nothing’. Are you one of those people? If so where do you think that mind-set stems from? I'm just asking questions, REMEMBER THIS IS TO WHOEVER, it could be to the person that reads this in 2015 lol!, let’s just chat, why not? Let me sketch a poem about this, will be a scenario piece

"Is nothing, I'm fine"

“I said is nothing so leave it yea!".

She sighed, her head lowered as though she was uttering a silent prayer to heaven for me.

She's never been good with obscurity, she's always been a say everything or nothing kind of person. "Well ok" she says, "if you say you're fine then I guess you are fi-"

"FINE"! I didn't let her complete her sentence, the words sort of skipped out my mouth, excited to shut her up.

Her legs hung loosely from our chairs,

Why did I ask her to seat with me if I was going to withhold information? Why did I ask for this attention if I didn't want to have this conversation?

Something in me wants to weep in her arms, let her know what's wrong

Something in me wants to hold her hand, explain I don't need to hear a sound, just want her to understand my silence

Something in me wants to open up but I'm scared, confused, anxious; wondering if opening up will lead to regrets

Lost in my thoughts I hear her voice gently question:

"Are you sure nothing is wrong?"

"Yep, nothing is wrong, I’m fine, don't mind me I'm always fine"

A small smile spreads across her face, she didn’t believe the lie but she got the message

There was no way I was going to open up and spill

Here’s to hoping my 'i'm fines' were prophetic  


Tonight I'm feeling quite emotional, you know when your emotions are telling you to do one thing but your mind, self respect and common sense are telling you to do another! Help Jesus! Need to have scripture sieve through these thoughts of mine. The Philippians scripture is a good sieve for our minds in it, ladies when the emotions cry let the Word cry louder man, got to stand FIRM in this joint looool!

Thursday, 12 July 2012


I wish I know what I am trying to say in this poem but I don’t. So will put it up now and fix it tomorrow hehehhehehe, best to put it up now than never loool. So this is the last for tonight. Now I can go to bed, hey at least I've tried!

Submission tastes wonderful

Tastes sweet

Taste bitter indeed

Submission feels wonderful

Takes will

Takes self-control indeed

Submitting is powerful

It's meek

It's humble

Is discipline

It's easy

It’s hard

It’s a decision

A command

It's an action of love

Submissions for the weak

The strong

The helpless

The courageous

The ones that know

The ones that don’t

Really is for all

Sleeping dogs lie

You whispered hello

Yet your silent whisper sent loud echoes into my mind awakening memories that ought to have died

Clearly you don’t want to let sleeping dogs lie


Ok so now I'm having fun. I understand these are not my best piecies but I love writing short things that are fun for me to do! This one is called: ONION WORDS, I had fun writing this lool

I guess I'm an onion thinker

Layers of thoughts to get through

I believe his every sentence carries more than he makes it out too

So I find myself peeling away

at every little thing he says

Only to find my peeling and digging leaves me wet eyed again and again

It's simply fascinating the way I interpret every thought

Every misconception gradually builds up

Till I get to the point where I can't take it anymore

And tears start flowing down my eyes when I reach an assumed core


Ok so here's the deal, in all honesty I lost it towards the end so that’s why the poem is like this. I will fix it when I can. Is hard to write when you are making the situation up loool, but I had a good go...I watched 'The preachers wife' (by now you can tell I love movies), and the fact that it had an angel in it (whom I thought was doggy lol but that’s another story lol) led me to write this, in a weird twisted way lool.

Had you been the angel I thought you were,

Your words would have been truth

You would have been sent, so your words would have birthed fruit that’s good

You would have brought comfort instead of pain

And when I was afraid

You would have said those four words angels say: ‘do not be afraid'

Your 'do not be afraid' would have brought sweet solace to me

But you weren’t the angel I thought you were

You spoke lies, words designed to shatter

Words designed to breed fear

You had a mission

To deliver a painful lesson

That being stubborn

Will lead to heartburn

Well mission well done

See had you been the angel I thought you were

You would have had a plan

No not your own

You would have been schooled in his

You would have known the path that leaded to righteousness and so be eager for it

But you loved the world more than me

You became my excuse

“the boy made me do it” clearly became easy for me to say

Suppose the “serpent” made you did what you did but that’s another story lool

Anyways had you been the angel I thought you were you would have been perfect

But seeing that you are human like I am

You, me, we have grace to repent

Like ordinary humans with an extraordinary bail out and a call to repentance

So I'll think on the great human privilege, forgiveness, forgive you because you, me, we are only human

To Whoever!

To whoever!

I haven’t blogged in a WHILLLE. Anyways I stopped connecting with things I did for a while (like poetry) so I stopped blogging. Things are much better when you put your heart into it. So I’m going to use this blog as something like an online diary and see what happens. That means I'll write all sorts on here, good, bad, ugly. I don’t care lol. Just going to allow myself to be me on here and if anyone can relate that will be great. All I know is whatever I do on here I want my heart to be connected to it.

So what’s fun to write about today.......?


Whilst working in retail I've met some lovely people and some not so lovely people, but heck the experience was worth it.

Anyways I'm out of retail and about to venture into the wonderful world of charity work. Hope it all works out, either way guess whoever is reading my blog will be finding out.

I like to write in the night, good fun.

Going to share some poems I wrote today then I will be off to bed.

PS: I just watched TYLER PERRY'S MOVIE 'I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF' and I LOVE IT! A must see!

Night, night.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Dear Love

Dear Love

I understand why you’re taking your time

Please take your time

Twas only a while ago that I was in pain

Only a while ago I thought I’d fallen in love again

So love it’s clear that I’ve got a lot to learn

Oh love

Do take your time

Let me see that the long and short hand will always land on you

Let me trust that you are indefinite

Let me trust the work that you do

Twas only a while ago I misunderstood you

A while ago I realised I need to know you more

Draw me closer

Let me drink from your river bank of grace

Consume and eradiate all negative past memories

Wash out past experiences that’s polluted my perspective

As I learn to embrace you in all your fullness and truth

Give me grace to let you do in me what you have to do

Mike 'OPENS' up


An interview with the poet Open Mike

Poetic Release caught up with one of the featured acts Open Mike after the show and asked him a few questions about his set.

Your performance was great, what was the inspiration behind your poem?

The inspiration for my poem was life experiences, being in a relationship where everyone else realises that that person isn’t good for you except you, and relating that to how it is being saved and understanding that before you get saved you might believe that people are good for you when actually they are not.

How do you think your performance of the poem went today?

I enjoyed performing it, I personally though I was a bit rusty, but I still really enjoyed it. The crowd was warm and receptive so it was good.

So how long have you been writing poetry?

Since 2007, so for five years.

And how long have you been on the poetry scene?

Literally 5 years, my friend Denis told me to come and perform at a show he was performing at and that started my poetry career.

And finally if people want to find out more about you where can they go?

I’m fairly underground, about as underground as you can be, but I will be working on getting some of my work out there either on visual or audio format in the future. For now though you can find some of my poetry mainly on my blog which is It’s an organic site, whenever something interesting pops into my mind I put it on there. It’s a cute little site, it’s like an open rhyme book that has scribbles that probably wouldn’t make full poems but just gives you something to think about.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Poetic Release review

Poetic Release Review – Impact 27/05/2012

Impact, the sophomore show of Poetic Release lived up to its promise by delivering an impactful night of spectacular performances. Founded by the wonderfully talented Lena Norman an aspiring writer and poet, and hosted by the ever-exuberant Aj Taylor, the show has shown tremendous growth since its debut back in February. In case you missed it – and shame on you if you did – here’s a quick recap of the night’s standout acts:   


Playfully dubbed the “resident poet” of Poetic Release, Denis delivered a set of profound pieces about his relationship with God.  It was the perfect opening for the show, setting the tone for what would be a night of deeply personal poetry with a heavy spiritual influence.  


Rebecca performed two poems one of which was a deeply moving piece about the late Shakilus Townsend, the victim of the infamous honeytrap murder in 2008. She recounted his last words of “mum” and speculated upon why this was. It had a thought-provoking message, examining how an absence of a father figure can lead to a pursuit of the ultimate Father.

Open Mike

By far one of the most memorable and captivating performers of the night, Mike gave a personal testimonial piece about intimacy and his relationship with God. He sauntered casually on stage, possessing an unassuming presence which made the profoundness of his poem a pleasant surprise. Peppered with humour and anecdotal insight, Mike’s poem was a refreshingly candid and relatable account about his struggle with his desire for intimacy. Outstanding.

Mamilen (Lena Norman)

The mother of the show, Mamilen, took to the stage to preform two new pieces, The Substitute, a poignant tale about unrequited love, and Turn to Me, an inspirational piece about the difficulty of rejecting your old life and turning to God. They were both deeply personal pieces which tackled issues that relate to many modern Christians today.

Kat Deal

Kat’s bubbliness and warmth made her instantly likeable when she graced the Poetic Release stage. But it was the poignancy of her poem that held the stunned audience’s attention. Kat delivered a thought-provoking piece about her disability. Kat received a well-deserved standing ovation and rapturous applause. Original, stirring and inspirational; an unforgettable act.


Karmie Karmz

Closing the show was the dynamic Karmie Karmz who enchanted the audience with three of her poems. Karmie quickly endeared herself to the audience with her down-to-earth persona and the realness of her words. Her sassiness, humour and rhythmic flow made for captivating listening.

Karmie provided a memorable and satisfying end to a brilliant show.    

Other acts of the night included spoken word performer Leticia, poet Alfred, singer Anderson, poet Azairah, poet Ian and singer Michelle who dazzled the audience with her stunning vocals.

Overall Poetic Release’s second show was a resounding success showcasing an eclectic mix of creative and talented individuals.  If this show is anything to go by, undoubtedly the next Poetic Release show will be even bigger and better and the group will keep going from strength to strength. 

By Junette Norman

Wednesday, 9 May 2012



Friday, 30 March 2012

The Sub

She doesn’t really know when she became ‘the substitute ’
Heartache had sent her down this lane
Her heart is now an inn to broken men
Is funny because brokenness brought her to this business she now thrives in

He doesn’t love her
She knows it
He just loves the fact that she listens
His girlfriend Dianne seems to never have time
SHE on the other hand is always available on the other end of the phone
She provides the little thing he misses at home
Someone who gives him utter attention
So I guess that’s how she became his substitute

For three years now he’s been a regular customer at her inn clinic
Of course ‘it is just really close friendship’
They are 'just friends'
But he knows she gives him more than just what friends give
And he certainly gives her something
He keeps her from thinking about her pain or remembering the mistakes she made when she thought she was inlove
He keeps her from thinking about many things
Loneliness strikes just that bit less because he is around

You see is not like these men she takes in love her
They don’t
She knows
At the end of every conversion they will drop their phone and once again she'll be all alone
Every stroll in the park will end with an “I’ve got to go home”
She’s just the substitute to the girlfriend that don’t understand
She is the one that understands The one that support not so smart plans
The one called on when relationships are going wrong

She is the substitute
And oh how she hates it
Argues with others that all she has are close friendships
But she knows is more what she makes out it is

She is the substitute to many
But the truth is
They are hers as well
She uses them to fulfil everything the one she loved couldn’t give her
She compensates for his rejection by knowing they all want her
Yet no matter how much she is desired, called, business booms and she is loved by them

She always remembers they are not her own
She is not theirs
She is just a person that provides emotional comforts
She rents out her heart like a pimp will a prostitute

She knows
She is just the substituteWaiting,
Hoping that one day someone will see that she is worth more than just being the temporary
She is worth jumping into eternity with
If she could just get out this game and start over again
After all, this game is all about the blind leading blind
One day she’ll break up these 'friendships'…….one day
One day she is going to do something and stop all of this
She will experience what real love is
Someone will want her and she will feel the same
There will be no substituting again
Well maybe not on her path
Maybe from the one that finally wins her heart
Well there you go, Karma sucks
Well no matter, the sooner she gets out the better
This is a sick business and is killing her
So yea
One day she’ll tell her 'friends' is all over
One day,
Just not today
The night is coming and she needs company
She needs to feel someone loves her
Her phone rings
And with little hesitation she answers
Knowing exactly what she is doing, she answers
After all, she can't let loneliness creep in
Guilty, frightened, ashamed
She answers

To the not so modern girl

Sister girl

You’ve beaten the statistics

You’ve missed the bench mark of the critics

We can say you’ve made it

Held yourself down with self-control and perseverance

Peer pressure you didn’t take it

You refused to conform to the norm

Or submit to the form of un-codified teenage laws that makes teenagers feel they have to, got to do it to be coo, to be loved, to be know

Well done

You have a strong head on your shoulders

In it the wisdom that guard you to guard your heart

The common sense that taught you that love is more than the desires of the heart

The courage that kept you and your focus on the books and your work

Now you may see not having experience as sadness

I see greatness

Admire the resistance

The power to say no to temptation and go the distance as you are is powerful

Not depending on any boy to tell you what you are

And that is beautiful

Not allowing friends to create your persona

No you just did, you do you

And I

I admire that

I admire the fact that you have a heart so full of love yet you kept it

I admire the fact that you had and have a chance yet you reject it

I admire the fact that you know you deserve better than one night stands or anyone

You deserve the bestest

So sister girl wait for that

Someone in the same league as you’re at

Having the experience don’t mean jack if all they thought you were good for was the sack and not a ring to match

So wait

Like you patiently do already


It will take continuous patience

But wait

Don’t let them powerful feelings of wanting to be loved

Make you choose the love of anyone

That special someone is out there so wait for him

See I

I get lonely too

Wondering eyes and hopeful mind thinking when is cupid going to come through

Imaginations wondering when I could be more than one but two

See I

I get lonely too

And you’re right, there’s no feminist movement that can drive out the desire for a man inside of you

We were created to feel that desire of having a man

It’s in our nature to crave someone

So understand that many even the most powerful women feel the same

Even if they don’t say  

Who doesn’t want a man to come home too?

Someone to love and love you

To be chosen yet to choose

See I understand what you want, I want it, and many women do

And the weight of waiting to meet that person can sometimes beat heavily on you

But let me tell you

You’ve come this far now, what’s a year or two lol

Wait for him

Let him find you

He’s coming

Let me assure you

Like the diamond that you are you are worth his search

Like the gold that you are you are worth the hunt

Sometimes it takes the longest time to get to the gold mines

But when you do, you’ll appreciate every time and effort you took to find the treasure you’ll find

And sister girl

You are that treasure

And he will be that treasure for you

And all the pre-marital groans will the lost when he finds you

And every bruise loneliness left you on the road to finding the one you want will be worth it when you know, that you know, he’s the one for you

Till then just know

That we, we get lonely too
There are many wo/men like you

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Hymn of the WEEK! Well been hymn of the year so far

What a poem!

I had walked life’s way with an easy tread,
Had followed where comfort and pleasures led,
Until one day in a quiet place
I met the Master face to face.
With station and rank and wealth for my goal,
Much thought for my body, but none for my soul,
I had entered to win in life’s mad race,
When I met the Master face to face.
I met Him, and knew Him and blushed to see
That His eyes full of sorrow, were fixed on me;
And I faltered and fell at His feet that day,
While my castles melted and vanished away.
Melted and vanished and in their place
Naught else did I see but the Masters face.
And I cried aloud, “Oh, make me meet
To follow the steps of Thy wounded feet.”
My thought is now for the souls of men,
I have lost my life to find it again,
E’er since one day in a quite place
I met the Master face to face.
Author: Unknown

Friday, 2 March 2012

“The Christian should be like those lovely spring flowers which, when the sun is shining, open their golden cups, as if saying, "Fill us with thy beams!" but when the sun is hidden behind a cloud, they close their cups and droop their heads”. Spurgeon

The son’s flower

Your light strengthens me

Your rain helps me to grow

You know just how to feed me

Make me as beautiful as you

In your presence I flourish

You make me the beauty for eyes to see

And oh how wonderful it is when people see beyond me

And glorify you, the reason of my existence

 Oh fill me with your beams

For when behind the clouds you hide

My head drops, your presence I need


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Hymn: Praise to the Lord

Words: Jo­ach­im Ne­an­der, in A und Ω Glaub- und Lieb­es­ü­bung (Stras­lund: 1680); trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Cath­er­ine Wink­worth, 1863.
Music: Lobe den Her­ren, An­der Theil des Er­neu­er­ten Ge­sang­buch, se­cond edi­tion (Bre­men, Ger­ma­ny: 1665); har­mo­ny by Wil­liam S. Ben­nett, 1864 (MI­DI, score).

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;
Praise Him in glad adoration.
Praise to the Lord, who over all things so wondrously reigneth,
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen how thy desires ever have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
Praise to the Lord, who hath fearfully, wondrously, made thee;
Health hath vouchsafed and, when heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.
Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;
Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
If with His love He befriend thee.
Praise to the Lord, who, when tempests their warfare are waging,
Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging,
Biddeth them cease, turneth their fury to peace,
Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.
Praise to the Lord, who, when darkness of sin is abounding,
Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding,
Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night,
Saints with His mercy surrounding.
Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again,
Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Sunday, 26 February 2012


I want that one

It was written long before you were even born


You were made to be remade by him

It was written

Long before you were even born


He will lose you but by losing you he will win


You will be called his chosen

He will display his work through your life as he remodels you

From sinner to saint in Christ

He choose you to wear the banner of his son

That’s his blood

He loved you so much that he decided his son’s life was a good enough price to buy you from the life of death to righteousness

So he sought you

Pursued with vigour

Wooed you

Laboured to birth a gateway for you to eternity

He paid the price with his own family

He loved you, past tense

Loves you present

Will love you, future to come

Just because he can and he does

Not because of no special work you’ve done

Or the good things in this life that you’ve done

Just because He is God and he made saving you his decision

How faithful he is

How merciful he is

How wonderful he is


Your life to be intertwined with him


The transformation from enemy to son ship through Jesus Christ was, predestined

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


An epilogue to time machine


Let’s try like the children of God we are meant to be
Let’s allow the power of the word to transform our inner beings
Let’s come in agreement with Paul
Ask the Holy Spirit to help us to no longer conform to this world

We’d been the very one’s buried in inequity
Orgies, wild parties, fornication, everything fleshly
We’d embraced our flesh and everything ungodly
But we were called
So please,
Let’s let old things be

Let’s turn away from this sin, it so easily brings us down
So no matter how much we are left feeling torn
Let’s ask for deliverance from the lust that seems to have us bound
Let’s move forward, let’s not allow our past to come back around

For in our ‘us’ is rebellion
We argue against every argument for righteousness when it comes to’ us’
For in ‘us’ in lust
We fight every conviction to turn away; we seem to find it hard to “seek first”
So we distrust
Our distrust keeps us moving in lust
We refuse to trust when it comes to us
In ‘us’ is the past
In ‘us’ is the lust from the past that we refuse to put to dust
We keep it awaked with our constant flirtation
We keep it awaked with unbiblical justifications

Let’s finally surrender
Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to take control of this area
Let’s not grieve him any longer
Let’s trust in his transformative power
Let’s yield ourselves to him come whatever
This may be it for us
But lest say come what may
Let’s trust him anyway
Let’s exalt him higher than our desire to be together
Let’s exalt him higher than our emotions and whatever
Let’s remember who we are again
We’ve been bought from the kingdom of darkness
Let’s not act like we are blind again
Let’s be the salt that we are meant to be
Seek after holiness, inspire somebody
Let’s say no to this inequity
Let’s die to ourselves, I’ll die to you, you die to me
Our old man is dead
Let’s bury the ungodly ‘us’ next to it

Let’s finally admit that our salvation is worth more than is
Let’s call upon the power of the Holy Spirit
Let’s confess our sins
Let’s trust in his merciful power
Let’s repent
shall we....

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Fight for me

Think this is the most vulnerable poem I've written in a while. I was on the bus today reading a poetry book and I thought I want to write, and this is what I was thinking about.

Fight for me

Argue with the stars that fail to glisten every time we meet

Call up the rain and demand a sunny day for us, even if the sun be discreet.

Let the thunder be silenced, and the lightning that's struck our bond be held in a head lock till it see's the error in it's ways and repent from causing rain, everytime we try to try again

Fight for me

Wrestle with the beast that carries you away every time we argue

It gives you leeway to escape, stops you from uttering 'sorry' or admitting when you get hurt too

Allow love to get hold of your heart and feed you because all all the love I have is for you

Fight for me,

Fight like you know the love we have is worth every battle you have to undergo

Fight like you know the prize won in this battle is worth more than what you have to go through
I believe our love is worth it and I bear the scars that prove it

For you I've wrestled with pride, anger, fear and even resentment

So fight for me

For everything in me believe that what we have is worth it

And if our strength and courage can't be used for this, then please tell me what else?

We've been walking this road together too long to let anything make us relent

so partner, brethren, foe, tell me,
 Is our love worth it?
If it is

Then fight for it,
Fight for us,
Fight for me

All other ground is SINKING SAND

My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
By: Edward Mote

One morn­ing it came into my mind as I went to la­bour, to write an hymn on the ‘Gra­cious Ex­per­i­ence of a Christ­ian.’ As I went up Hol­born I had the chor­us,

‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.’

In the day I had four first vers­es com­plete, and wrote them off. On the Sab­bath fol­low­ing I met bro­ther King as I came out of Lisle Street Meet­ing…who in­formed me that his wife was ve­ry ill, and asked me to call and see her. I had an ear­ly tea, and called af­ter­wards. He said that it was his usu­al custom to sing a hymn, read a por­tion, and en­gage in pray­er, be­fore he went to meet­ing. He looked for his hymn-book but could find it no­where. I said, ‘I have some vers­es in my pock­et; if he liked, we would sing them.’ We did, and his wife en­joyed them so much, that af­ter ser­vice he asked me, as a fa­vour, to leave a co­py of them for his wife. I went home, and by the fire­side com­posed the last two vers­es, wrote the whole off, and took them to sis­ter King…As these vers­es so met the dy­ing wo­man’s case, my at­ten­tion to them was the more ar­rest­ed, and I had a thou­sand print­ed for dis­tr­ibu­tion. I sent one to the Spir­it­u­al Mag­a­zine, with­out my ini­tials, which ap­peared some time af­ter this. Bro­ther Rees, of Crown Street, So­ho, brought out an edi­tion of hymns [1836], and this hymn was in it. Da­vid Den­ham in­tro­duced it [1837] with Rees’ name, and others af­ter…Your in­sert­ing this brief out­line may in fu­ture shield me from the charge of stealth, and be a vin­di­ca­tion of truth­ful­ness in my con­nect­ion with the Church of God.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteous;
No merit of my own I claim
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils his lovely face,
I reSt on his unchanging grace;
In every high and story gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

His oath, his covenant, his blood
Sustain me in the raging flood;
When all supports are washed away,
He then is all my hope and stay.
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

When he shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in him be found,
Clothed in his righteousness alone,
Redeemed to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Time Machine

I've chosen you to be my designated driver to the past

You know that town well

we'd walked the pavements hand in hand, back then

Choose any memory lane and I'll happily explore it with you

Let's explore who we were before

The present seems stagnant, pregnant with hope yet failing to birth it

The future looks grim, we lost some faith on our journey to the present it seems

So take me in your time machine to the past where I will know every step

I will know what's coming and exactly what happens next

And perhaps upon our return, we'll love and even enjoy our present

Perhaps upon return, we'll have faith's help

I've chosen you to be my designated driver to the past

Your front door the entrance to back then

When the concubine wed

Sorrow I became a concubine for you

Laid with you night after night and watched my faith and hope fade too

You introduced me to your friends misery and pain

I flirted with them all and watched as you contended for my heart

again and again

Sorrow through you disbelieve became my best friend

We held pity parties in your honor and I met more of your friends

For a while depression and I also had a thing

Then fear crept in and I welcomed him

But oh how fragile an unconvicted relation is

How easy it is to steal away what was never yours in the first place

Joy came, and he posed a ring

So i had to leave you, we had such a fragile and destructive thing

What we had makes me all the more glad that I have Joy now

Couldn't see back then, but faith is stronger now

So au revior to you, depression and fear

Will only be seeing you guys again if in UN-faith-full-ness my heart permits you all to reappear