Friday, 30 March 2012

To the not so modern girl

Sister girl

You’ve beaten the statistics

You’ve missed the bench mark of the critics

We can say you’ve made it

Held yourself down with self-control and perseverance

Peer pressure you didn’t take it

You refused to conform to the norm

Or submit to the form of un-codified teenage laws that makes teenagers feel they have to, got to do it to be coo, to be loved, to be know

Well done

You have a strong head on your shoulders

In it the wisdom that guard you to guard your heart

The common sense that taught you that love is more than the desires of the heart

The courage that kept you and your focus on the books and your work

Now you may see not having experience as sadness

I see greatness

Admire the resistance

The power to say no to temptation and go the distance as you are is powerful

Not depending on any boy to tell you what you are

And that is beautiful

Not allowing friends to create your persona

No you just did, you do you

And I

I admire that

I admire the fact that you have a heart so full of love yet you kept it

I admire the fact that you had and have a chance yet you reject it

I admire the fact that you know you deserve better than one night stands or anyone

You deserve the bestest

So sister girl wait for that

Someone in the same league as you’re at

Having the experience don’t mean jack if all they thought you were good for was the sack and not a ring to match

So wait

Like you patiently do already


It will take continuous patience

But wait

Don’t let them powerful feelings of wanting to be loved

Make you choose the love of anyone

That special someone is out there so wait for him

See I

I get lonely too

Wondering eyes and hopeful mind thinking when is cupid going to come through

Imaginations wondering when I could be more than one but two

See I

I get lonely too

And you’re right, there’s no feminist movement that can drive out the desire for a man inside of you

We were created to feel that desire of having a man

It’s in our nature to crave someone

So understand that many even the most powerful women feel the same

Even if they don’t say  

Who doesn’t want a man to come home too?

Someone to love and love you

To be chosen yet to choose

See I understand what you want, I want it, and many women do

And the weight of waiting to meet that person can sometimes beat heavily on you

But let me tell you

You’ve come this far now, what’s a year or two lol

Wait for him

Let him find you

He’s coming

Let me assure you

Like the diamond that you are you are worth his search

Like the gold that you are you are worth the hunt

Sometimes it takes the longest time to get to the gold mines

But when you do, you’ll appreciate every time and effort you took to find the treasure you’ll find

And sister girl

You are that treasure

And he will be that treasure for you

And all the pre-marital groans will the lost when he finds you

And every bruise loneliness left you on the road to finding the one you want will be worth it when you know, that you know, he’s the one for you

Till then just know

That we, we get lonely too
There are many wo/men like you

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