Friday, 6 January 2012

Time Machine

I've chosen you to be my designated driver to the past

You know that town well

we'd walked the pavements hand in hand, back then

Choose any memory lane and I'll happily explore it with you

Let's explore who we were before

The present seems stagnant, pregnant with hope yet failing to birth it

The future looks grim, we lost some faith on our journey to the present it seems

So take me in your time machine to the past where I will know every step

I will know what's coming and exactly what happens next

And perhaps upon our return, we'll love and even enjoy our present

Perhaps upon return, we'll have faith's help

I've chosen you to be my designated driver to the past

Your front door the entrance to back then


  1. then the realisation comes that i dnt want to go to back then! I want to stay right here! I had to be saved from back then, so why explore that lane again...huh, lena...huh? loooool

    @francesca r, thank you for your comment
