"Restraining prayer, we cease to fight;
Prayer makes the Christian armor bright,
And Satan trembles when he sees.
The meanest saint upon his knees."
"Restraining prayer, we cease to fight;
Prayer makes the Christian armor bright,
And Satan trembles when he sees.
The meanest saint upon his knees."
The words are from a long narrative poem, “The Brewing of Soma.” It describes Vedic priests going into the forest and drinking themselves into a stupor with a concoction called “soma.” They try to have a religious experience and contact the spirit world. It is after setting that scene that Whittier draws his lesson: “Dear Lord, and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways…” This hymn is as relevant today as when it was written. In a modern context, it speaks to the drug culture, and those looking for an “experience” to prove the reality of God. I love it because even if it's not drinking and all of that, we all have our own flaws and our hearts can with sincerity cry this. Every stanza speaks of something that is so dear to me, cause I do allot of foolish things |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind,
Forgive our foolish ways;
Reclothe us in our rightful mind,
In purer lives Thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.
In simple trust like theirs who heard,
Beside the Syrian sea,
The gracious calling of the Lord,
Let us, like them, without a word,
Rise up and follow Thee.
O Sabbath rest by Galilee,
O calm of hills above,
Where Jesus knelt to share with Thee
The silence of eternity,
Interpreted by love!
With that deep hush subduing all
Our words and works that drown
The tender whisper of Thy call,
As noiseless let Thy blessing fall
As fell Thy manna down.
Drop Thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of Thy peace.
Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and Thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm.
He said he loved me
I wanted him to love me
Show me how he loved so conditionally
Gave up what was precious to me to not lose him
I chose him
After all, how precious was virginity for the one you loved?
He said he loved me
So we used my body as his daily fix
Sessions upon sessions he got his release
Every frustration that went through his mind during that day, month, week
And me seeking to feel loved by somebody, laid it all down for him
After all, how precious was my body when somebody finally noticed me?
He said he loved me
So I made him my centrality
Ride or die chick that was me
Never accepting the truth that the relationship was about my needs and his
He was always the first
Was not his wife but I willingly submitted to every one of his lust
He controlled my emotions
I depended on his love,
My own personal ecstasy, that what I called our love
Friends that didn’t really know us said he was no good for me
I knew they were just jealous because they didn’t have what we did
See he loved me
And to love him was to give him every part of me
To love him was to try and keep him with my body
To love him was to use lust to bury all my own insecurities
To love him was to do something to get something in return
To love him was to say my friends were all wrong
To love him was to convince myself my body was worth nothing at all
To love him was to accept that virginity means nothing no-more
To love him was to encourage his lust so he would show love
Heck, I wanted it; I wasn’t forced to do it
Yes I wanted him, so I did it to prove it
Many times lust disguises itself as love, rules in our relationships and we don’t know it
We miss it because we don’t even know love to identify it and realize lust is not it
To know love will mean to let go of our needs and see that love truly is
God, he’s love and without him love don’t exist
Until we come to know his love the love we know is selfish
Until we come to know his warmth the warmth we know is worthless
Lust sees what it wants and takes advantage
Love sees what the other person needs first
See love is not selfish
Its patient and kind
Love does not seek to get its own every time
Love does not delight in wrong, so there shouldn’t be a time
When love will tell you if you love me baby you should be willing to prove it with your body then
Love that is not conditional at all
Well one condition and that’s that I remain true to who I am that’s all
Love that have the patience to love me from my face down
Cause ‘loving’ a guy with your legs first hoping he’ll one day wake up and love you enough to look at your face don’t work
Now loving a guy from your face down, and hoping he’ll love you enough to know the person behind the face’s smile might take some time
But at least if he goes go before you get to the legs, you know he’d taken nothing from you but some emotions, some smiles and time
Holding on to the wisdom that the love you need cannot just be found only in a man will make you smile,
And holding onto the truth that your body is not just your own, but a temple designed to honor the lord by waiting till the right time in marriage comes, will keep you strong
Till then be strong and remember that sometimes the best way to say I love you to someone is to say NO, but if you have love-lust him already, sometimes the best way to say I love you, no matter how hard will be to say, lets hang on :)
When I think of where I’ve been
Who I was
What I was in
I truly with a thankful heart
Praise you, my rope, my everything
Cause you met me in a place of need
Saw the need to lift me from sin
Your grace the rope to which I cling
Praise you, my rope,my everything
As you brought me out of darkness
Brought me to life with you, a place of rest
You lift me higher and higher
So my soul praise you, Jesus my righteousness
I hear you bid me come nearer
And you guide me with your love and care
Your rope of grace being lowered down from the heavens forever
To rescue, the rescue, the hope, the way out of the pit of darkness for whosoever
So my friends reach for the rope of grace, and hold on to it
When rescued treasure grace, follow and obey he who lowered it
And thank thee Jesus, thank him our Lord, thank him indeed
For the one that rescued us with the rope of grace, is our hope, the grace we need.