Friday, 9 September 2011

We can

We can all have the warmth in our arms
The glow in our cheeks
The sweet truth on our tongues
But not all of us know this

We can all have the tenderness in our hearts
The twinkle in our eyes
The love in our lives
But not all of us know this

We can all have the riches in our hands
The willingness to listen in our mind
The grace to be gracious in our lives
But not all of us know it

So we use daggers in our mouths
Coldness in our arms
Redness in our eyes
Green eyed in desires

We move with hardness in our heart
Let the unforgiving nature become a statue
Remain unwilling to take sometime out and listen
Just because we are unclear of what love is, and what love means

Yet no matter how bad
Hope still stands
So thou we may not know
The truth is, we can


  1. so beautiful. adore this post. if you get a second I'd would love to hear what you think of my latest outfit post. xoxo

  2. Hi! I found your blog and I like it so much! so intense, wonderful!
    Come and visit my blog, and if you like it, follow me, I'll be waiting for you!

    Cosa mi metto???

  3. oh so beautiful! did you write this? thanks for stopping by mine

  4. I can't understand the whole text but it's beautiful!

  5. That is beautiful :)

  6. wow...this is lovely. thanks for checking out my blog too

    xoxo Monroe

    Fashion Steele NYC

  7. So beautiful and lovely. Now following

  8. love your blog!
