The first poem I'm going to do here is called turn away. I'm going to start with it because I believe the call to turn away from sin, self and turn to God and his love is a beautiful calling.
Turn away
Turn away
Turn away I hear you say?
From what?
From the things that make me happy?
From what?
From the life that I've made for me?
I'm good just doing me
This is when I realized that I needed you,
Looking at a life planned by me and filed with things not bettering me in anyway
Just leading myself astray,
Binging on the things I knew wasn’t right for me
Yet not stopping because they felt so good when they were in my life
And therefore ignoring the person who I became once these things became a part of me
This is when I started to see that there’s more to live than just living life for me
No more placing myself on such a pedestal
That allows nothing good for me to reach me
No more holding myself so high and deliberately ignoring what’s right for me
I’m scared, but I see there’s no good in just doing me
Because WEAK is the life that is just about me
But strong is the foundation I see you laying
Now involving YOU then me
Now I’ve found you
I’m doing my best to build on the foundation of concrete that you’ve laid
But finding it’s difficult because concrete never hardens straight away
It takes it’s time
And in that time things can get in and try to ruin what you’ve laid
But nothing I know is too difficult or even impossible for you to clean again
And even if that concrete hardens, imperfect, encompassing things you hadn’t laid
I know you have the ability to clean
Cleaning until it is back to what you made
And since I am a part of this concrete
Imperfect, encompassing things you never laid
I appreciate the effort you put in me a sinner
Trying to get me back on track again
So turn Away?
Turn Away I hear you say?
Because now I find no pleasure in the things that use to make me happy
I see that life is so much more than what I can make for me
I’ve lost the fear of living in the possibility of having more than just me
And loving the greatness and power of the Holy Spirit that’s now in me
New life is now with me
I’m now in him
Now life is not just about me
But about him
With me seeking after him and HIM leading ME
great writing & message
ReplyDeleteThank you Zarna