Saturday, 18 June 2011

Come Back

Colossians 3:2 Set your affections on things above not on things on the Earth.

Come back

Set your affections on things from above

And not on things of the Earth

Today let it be the day for those who have

Left Christ to take the time and come back

Look into the records of your life

So that when you look back

You’ll never have a moment to reflect and say

DAM! I regret that

But since we are all sinners is hard

Not to say that

Caught up in the flesh and battling with the things

That the world has made fact: necessities for being become

Having a boyfriend, girlfriend sex you know all that

And not caring what salvation the life we are living is giving us back

We’re hoping for joy in the life and the relationships that we’re in

Yet in the wrong relationship that will bring joy to the lives that we are living

Set your affections on things from above

And not on things of the Earth

Cause there’s someone who’s open to all

And ready to listen to all the things buried in your heart

He knows your problems, your trials your pain

And will give you help just like that

If you open your heart to him, believe he loves you

And just accept that

But how can he love someone like you?

With so much imperfections, problems and bad acts


Jesus came for us the sinners

And not for the righteous and that’s fact

So he’s here and he is waiting for YOU, YOU AND YOU

To stand militant and accept that

You will no longer be used as Satan’s domain or as Satan’s doormat

So come join the army of God

That’s trying to stop that

Come will all your earthly affections and

Prepare to drop that

Set your affections on things from above and not things on the Earth

Let today be the day that those that have left Christ

And those that are lost

Take the time and COME BACK.

Lena Norman©

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