Monday, 20 June 2011

When I think of where I’ve been

Who I was

What I was in

I truly with a thankful heart

Praise you, my rope, my everything

Cause you met me in a place of need

Saw the need to lift me from sin

Your grace the rope to which I cling

Praise you, my rope,my everything

As you brought me out of darkness

Brought me to life with you, a place of rest

You lift me higher and higher

So my soul praise you, Jesus my righteousness

I hear you bid me come nearer

And you guide me with your love and care

Your rope of grace being lowered down from the heavens forever

To rescue, the rescue, the hope, the way out of the pit of darkness for whosoever

So my friends reach for the rope of grace, and hold on to it

When rescued treasure grace, follow and obey he who lowered it

And thank thee Jesus, thank him our Lord, thank him indeed

For the one that rescued us with the rope of grace, is our hope, the grace we need.